PRP for Ankle and Foot Pain

Platelet rich plasma injections are usually quite effective at treating ankle and foot pain and instability. Sprained ankles are a very common occurance in society, and a frequent patient seen in the pain treatment clinic. Foot and ankle pain and instability are treated by injecting the damaged supportive connective tissue structures of the ankle and foot, including the deltiod ligament, the anterior and poserior talo-fibular ligaments, the calcaneo-fibular ligament, the interosseus ligament between the tibia and fibula, the plantar fascia, and sometimes the sinus tarsi. After the injections are performed, the foot is then taped to hold all the anatomical structures in place and the patient is to remain non weight bearing on that foot for 48 hours. After 48 hours, the patient may walk on the foot for short distances, but no exercise, long walks, or heavy lifting for two weeks. The treatments will need to be repeated several times before a satisfactory result is obtained. Usually 2 to 6 treatments with an average of 3. These treatments are performed at 6 to 8 week intervals.